Privacy Policy


Section 1: Don Daddy LLC Commitment to Privacy

Thank you for stopping and visiting to audit our privacy policy document. We comprehend the significance of protecting the privacy and security of your data and try to secure your confidentiality during your visit to our site or app. Customer’s privacy as it regards to data submitted Don Daddy LLC while creating an account is vital to us at A segment of’s operation of the Sites or Apps incorporates the accumulation and usage of information about our clients. This policy document clarifies what sort of information we cumulate and what we at do with that information to permit you to settle on decisions about the way your information is gathered and used. This privacy policy may change now and again, so please check our policy page much of the time. Any change or revision so effected will be published on our site or app. It is expected and vital that you read this privacy policy regularly to confirm you are updated as to any changes. Preceding utilizing this site or app, you should thoroughly read, comprehend and acknowledge the Privacy Policy. If you do not consent with this Privacy Policy, you should stop and leave our website immediately.  

If you have any queries in regards to this privacy policy, then it is appropriate to contact Customer Service at the e-mail address at and/or telephone number provided on our web platform. 

Section 2: Information We Collect From Users of Our App or Platform?  

At Don Daddy LLC, you are requested to create an account to enable you to utilize our app or services available on this web platform, and will be asked to submit some individual information about yourself. Information harvested online can generally be described as undesignated or personally distinguishable. Undesignated information is information that can’t be connected with the character of a specific individual. Undesignated information is information that especially recognizes a particular user, for instance, name, address, phone number, PayPal email, and Country. An instance of unknown information is the way that, while this site or app may record the number of visits to a particular page that occur in a given time allotment, it doesn’t inflexibly tell Don Daddy LLC the names or other recognizing information of every visitor. 

We may also collect additional information such as email and user profile details if you access our services utilizing Facebook. Also, if the user logs in Google, then we collect email, first_name, last_name, middle_name, birthday, locale, gender, education, timezone, and updated_time 

Section 3: Automated Undesignated Information  

When you get to our Site or App for any of our services, we gather certain distinct and dispatching data about your PC. For instance, we log ecological factors, for example, web program sort, system software (operating system) and Microprocessor speed, and the Web address (logical address of communicating device) of your beginning Web Service Provider, to attempt to present to you the most ideal service. We additionally record search demands and results to attempt to guarantee the exactness and proficiency of our web search tool. We utilize your Web address (commonly known as IP address) to track your utilization of the site, including the pages went to and the time spent on every page. We gather this data and utilize it to measure the utilization of this site and to enhance its content and performance. The greater part of the data that is naturally submitted to us by the program is viewed as undesignated data. To the degree we share such data to third parties, it is not traceable to a specific visitor of the website and won’t be utilized to reach you. 

Site Usage 0f Cookies Technology 

We deploy cookies on our Sites or App. Cookies are little information archives, regularly made up of a string of characters and numbers, that give you an astonishing identifier. This data engages your PC to have an “exchange” with our site and permits Don Daddy LLC to moderate our site more gainfully and to give a more exclusively fitted and basic utilization of every one of our services to you. You may set your web program to advise and notify you when you get a cookie or to dismiss cookies from being sent; If you do in that limit, this may confine the functionalities we can give you when you visit our site pages.  

Third parties that collaborate with this site may utilize cookies or gather other data when you go to their site. We don’t control the collection or utilization of your data by these third-party associations. You ought to contact these associations especially if you have any demand concerning their gathering or use of data about you. 

Web Beacons 

 We (or third party information or advertisement systems we work with) may utilize Web Beacons alone or in conjunction with cookies to collate data about our Service, or other data we or they have gathered. Web Beacons are little graphics entities that are inserted in a website page or email and are normally imperceptible to the client however permit monitoring that a client has seen the page or email. Web Beacons might be utilized inside the Service to monitor email open rates, website page visits or form entries. At times, we tie the data accumulated by Web Beacons to our Subscribers’ and End Users’ Personal Information. For instance, we utilize clear gifs in our HTML-based messages to tell Don Daddy LLC which messages have been opened by beneficiaries. This permits Don Daddy LLC to appraise the adequacy of specific communications and the viability of our advertising efforts. 

How We Utilize Information Harvested From Users Visit To Our Site or App?  

At Don Daddy LLC, we may gather personally distinguishable information (such as User Email Address) just to provide to the user the services asked for, creating factual reviews, leading promoting research, enhancing travel guide app products and services, sending you overviews, and advising you of new travel guide services and whatever other changes to our site, app or services that may influence you. When you submit personally distinguishable information to our online platform at, you explicitly comprehend that you are consenting to permit us to have access, store, and utilize that data for those reasons that you are using our services for.  

But as put forward in this policy, we won’t utilize, uncover, or exchange User Information unless (1) you explicitly approve us to do as such; (2) it is vital to carry out our obligations regarding your contracts with us and to provide you with the information, products and services that you request from us; (3) it is essential to assist Don Daddy LLC to offer our travel guide app products and services to you (and get in touch with you when necessary); (4) we are sending you other data that might be helpful to you; (5) subject to applicable authoritative or legitimate confinements, it is revealed to organizations that perform promoting services for our sake or to different organizations with whom we have joint advertising agreements; (6) it is important to ensure the privacy or security of your records; (7) subject to pertinent legally binding or lawful confinements, it is vital regarding an offer of all or significantly the majority of our organization resources or if we somehow happened to converge with or into another organization; (8) it is vital regarding different business purposes including, without constraint, customer care, dispute determination, service quality assurance, business administration and operation, risk evaluation, security, misrepresentation and wrongdoing anticipation/discovery/checking, research and examination, marketing, and additionally surveying client purchasing inclinations and patterns; (9) it is important to satisfy law authority, legislative order, or other legal requirement, if necessary, for your protection or regarding an examination or indictment of conceivable unlawful action; (10) it is vital for Don Daddy LLC to give it to our attorneys, accountants, regulators, evaluators or different consultants; or (11) it is generally required or allowed by law.  

What’s more, any data that you send to us, for example, your inquiries, proposals, data, thoughts, or other inventive material (“Feedback”) belongs to Don Daddy LLC and won’t be dealt with as private and confidential. You recognize and concur that we may utilize, repeat, adjust, convey, show, unveil, or make subordinate works from Feedback without affirmation or compensation to you. 

Therefore, we won’t offer, uncover or give any personally distinguishable information to any third party except as stated herein. We might be required by law enforcement or legal authorities to give personally distinguishable information to the appropriate administrative powers or governmental authorities. In the event that Don Daddy LLC is asked for by legal authorities or legal powers, we will give this data on receipt of the proper documentation. We may likewise divulge data to law enforcement organizations or other agencies in the event that we feel it is important to ensure the security and welfare of our personnel or to authorize our terms of utilization. 

Don Daddy LLC Pull-Out Policy  

Whenever you don’t wish to get promotions and messages from us at, we ask that you reach out to Don Daddy LLC through mail. You may expel your name from our mailing list by sending Don Daddy LLC an e-mail with correspondence to and showing in the title “No Promotions or E-mail.” 

Third Party Websites and Links 

You may have the alternative to enter or connect to a third-party site or application through our site, or you may have the choice to enter our site from another third-party site or application. Since we can’t be guaranteed that such third-party sites follow privacy policies, we urge you to make inquiries and audit the privacy policies approaches of these third parties. We have no responsibility or risk for the activities or approaches of these free independent websites, Don Daddy LLC does not support or endorse any product or service that might be specified or offered in such web platforms, and are not in charge of the content or privacy practices of such Web platforms. 

Safety Guarantee  

We at oversee and maintain secure data network frameworks moderated by industry-known firewall standards and secret key-protected systems. Therefore, when you submit sensitive information on our web platform or app, that information is subject to a variety of protections. We deploy Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Security Protocols as security measures to protect your data in Web Platform. Our security and privacy policy methodologies are discontinuously audited and enhanced as vital, and simply approved individuals have permission to the individually identifiable information given by our clients. We don’t, in any case, guarantee you that unapproved, incidental disclosure will never happen. 

Also in consistent with the policies set forth herein, we at Don Daddy LLC has adopted and implemented reasonable, appropriate, and technologically feasible procedures for maintaining the security, accuracy, and integrity of all personal information relating to registered Users or affiliates that is collected by the Website to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or unauthorized destruction of data.  

We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy. 

Transfer of Don Daddy LLC Customer Information  

Registered User records and data are legitimately considered resources of a business enterprise. As needs be, in the event that Don Daddy LLC converge with another company or if we sell our assets to another entity, our client records, and data, personally distinguishable information you have provided Don Daddy LLC, would be incorporated among the assets that would be transferred. 

Visiting our Web Platform from Outside of the USA 

The Service is controlled and worked by Don Daddy LLC from the USA, and is not planned to subject USA to the laws or sovereignty of any state, nation or region other than that of the USA. Therefore, if you are utilizing our web platform or app from outside of the USA, please be aware that your data may be transferred to, stored or processed in the USA, where our servers are located and our central database is operated. The data protection and other laws of the USA and other countries might not be as comprehensive as those in your country, but please be assured that we take steps to protect your privacy.   

Don Daddy LLC Data Retention 

We at Don Daddy LLC will retain your Personal Data for as long as needed to provide the applicable Service you requested, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.